Farm Produce
As you know the family have been supplying Christmas produce for over 60 years and we would like to thank you for your kind comments and support over the years.
However, it is with much regret that we have to inform you that we will NOT be supplying any Christmas produce this year.
Unfortunately Richard is due to have a Hip replacement and I have just had a Knee replacement, added to which the Butcher, who has helped us for many years, Mr Bryan Kensett, died unexpectedly this month. Without his help we both feel that the extra workload, alongside our other farm work would be too greater pressure.
We would not wish to detract from or fall short of our usual quality of produce or service that we have built up over so many years to our customers, so have very reluctantly made this decision.
Best wishes to all our customers for Christmas, New Year and 2018.
There is a local producer of Free Range Bronze Turkeys, Geese and Ducks at:
Etherley Farm, Leith Hill, Dorking
Kind regards
Richard and Mary Mills